A teacher’s advice to other teachers

- The most important thing to remember is the work you are assigning doesn’t matter as much as the care and support you are providing to your students. Connect with your students.
- Just as you have a start and finish time at school, employ “hours” at home as well. It is easy to be engulfed and then realize it is 7 pm!. Set boundaries for yourself.
- Self care! Take breaks. You do not need to be glued to your computer all day (although you will want to be and feel a need to be). Make time for self care. Take walks, have lunch, listen to music, try an online yoga class, or do a mediation. The calm app is a great resource.
- Keep in touch with your coworkers. You are not alone in this and now more than ever you need to rely on each other for support, laughter, ideas, and a shoulder to lean on. They are doing it too, you need each other. Maintain connections with family, friends and coworkers.
- Trust your teaching instincts. You have not been trained to remote teach – we are in the business of being surrounded by human beings daily. Regardless, you know what to do, don’t second guess too much. Take it easy on yourself—do your best and know that it’s ok if it isn’t perfect.
- While your district and the state will still require various elements to be in place, create this remote learning to meet the needs of your students, as well as your own. You know your students best. Trust yourself!
- Keep connected to the parents, weekly. A weekly email or message on what you are doing, will go a very long way. Stay connected with parents.
- Be flexible just as you are in school. Each kid is dealing with different circumstances at home, many of which may not be conducive to remote learning. Maintain flexibility with yourself and your students. Model for them – it is okay to struggle, it is okay to try something new.
- Lean in to the experience and create time for self care. Remember, you are not alone!
- Do something new every day and challenge your students to do the same. Share these experiences with each other and notice the universal connection we all share. We are all in this together!