Play Therapy Supervision
Mary Wightman, LCSW, RPT-S is running an online Play Therapy Supervision group.
Please call or email us at if you are interested in joining.
We would love to have you!

“You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation” ~Richard Lingard
Are you ready to take your Play Therapy game to the next level?
If you are interested in pursuing your RPT certification, consider joining us for your play therapy supervision. We provide individual and group sessions. Currently, all supervision sessions are through a HIPAA compliant video platform.
The Association for Play Therapy updated their credentialing standards on July 1, 2019. The requirements are now based on a three-phase approach to training, practice, and supervision. Supervisors must be credentialed as a Registered Play Therapy Supervisor (RPT-S). We can help you organize and understand the new process. We will share tracking sheets and help you organize your information to help insure you are able to meet all the necessary requirements for an RPT certification.
When providing Play Therapy Supervision, our philosophy is to ensure that supervisees:
· Feel safe, comfortable, and supported
· Are given the opportunity to reflect on the content and process of their work
· Are given constructive feedback to improve skills
· Will have the opportunity to practice integrating theory and practice in play therapy
· May express ethical dilemmas and concerns
· Learn new interventions and gain confidence in using them appropriately with clients
How do you decide if this is the right supervision for you? Some information to consider:
· Do you prefer group or individual sessions?
· How available is the supervisor to meet with you?
· What is the cost?
· What is the cancellation policy?
· What is the supervisor’s theoretical background?
· What will the format of the supervision look like?
We can provide group or individual sessions. We have several qualified RPT-S on staff, for greater flexibility in meeting your scheduling needs. Our supervisors have a range of fees. For more answers to these and other questions, feel free to give us a call or email. We would love to chat with you!