Parent CHILL Group

“My seven year old just told me I’m the meanest person in the world and that he hates me. I know he doesn’t mean it, but it still hurts. I’m at a loss for what to do…”
“My partner came home from work and said they needed time alone after a stressful day. I needed adult/partner time after a stressful day and now feel anxious and so alone…”
“I love and care for my family. It has become easiest to put my needs last, and at this point, I’m not even sure what those needs are anymore…”
“I work so hard at my job, my relationship, and my parenting. Yet sometimes, I don’t feel satisfied with any of it – is there something wrong with me?”
“I can’t hear one more word about “self-care,” Ugh! Who has time for it?? I’m already tired, now I have to stress over not engaging in self-care?? I’m exhausted!”

If you’ve ever asked yourself any of these questions or mulled over similar scenarios, we invite you to join PARENT CHILL — A grown-up version of our seminal skills program for children and teens.
Contact Us using the button below, or call 856-985-9091 for more information about our next Parent CHILL cycle start date!
Parent CHILL is an opportunity to:
- Have a safe and affirming experience with other parents
- Learn and practice effective communication skills, parenting skills
- Develop more positive thinking
- Grow the self-support needed to manage strong emotions
- Experience more peace and contentment
- Actively grow the same within our families
This is an in person group where we will feel one another’s presence, be supported and encouraged to participate. More than learning ways to “cope,” we aim to grow self-support, feeling competent that we can navigate the ebb and flow of whatever life brings our way. There is a saying that “it takes a village to raise a child” – meaning, a caring community helps keep a child grounded and protected. The truth is, we all benefit from caring communities.
Concepts for CHILL are based on the latest brain research to foster resiliency and inner strength. This interactive group’s activities and conversations will be informed by the research and works of Dan Siegel, Brene Brown, Carol Dweck, Marsha Linehan, and John Kabat Zinn amongst others. Through discussion and scenarios, and sharing our lived experiences, we will learn how to better meet our own needs and wants, practice how to model that for our children, and hopefully laugh and have fun while doing so.